In 1999 we started our first nonprofit adventure managing the International Travel and Tourism Research Association. While serving members in 44 countries around the world we increased overall membership by almost 200% and added $300,000 to their nonprofit reserves. Patty was presented the TTRA Outstanding Service Award for ten years “of hard work, dedication and relentless passion for the association and its members.“
In 2009 we joined the management team for the California Resource Recovery Association, a 501(c)3 California nonprofit corporation dedicated to promoting zero waste and practices of sustainable production. CRRA’s annual conference hosts an average of 550 attendees from all around California, as well as throughout the United States and Canada. Their program includes over 180 speakers annually. We have managed CRRA’s past six conferences and come in over budgeted income in each one. In 2012 our innovations to the member service and conference management systems nearly doubled membership in 10 months while increasing net profit per conference attendee by over 250% in just three years.
In 2015 Red Shoe Solutions LLC was selected by The Idaho Fire Chiefs Association to manage their nonprofit. This was our first home-state association and every interaction reminds us why we choose to live here. Our hiring coincided with their strategic planning retreat where we were unhesitatingly included in every decision. This was an ideal opportunity to establish a Peer Powered Process. Many of the Fire Departments represented in IFCA depend on volunteers for their very existence. People have to perform on their promises whether they are paid, unpaid, too busy or too bored. Lives depend on people being as good as their word.
Most importantly they have re-instilled our faith in the future. Century old systems of command and control, positional power and exclusive access are being replaced by processes that are all-inclusive, non-coercive, totally-transparent and continuously-collaborative. IFCA is a wonderful model of the perfection of imperfection not just for nonprofits or businesses but governments and nations.
Humanity Requires Humility to Rediscover the Power of Possibility.
Combining the sustainable environmental expertise of CRRA along with the collaborative leadership style of The Idaho Fire Chiefs Association allowed us to launch Peer Powered Performance™.
Peer Powered Performance™ replaces the traditional power structure (and struggles) of a typical hierarchical design with systems where every member has the opportunity to contribute to the services and direction of the association. Patty Morgan currently is the Client Service Director and currently serves as the Executive Director of the The Idaho Fire Chiefs Association.
In her roles, Patty directs all staff activities in conference planning and management activities for all our association clients. Responsibilities include negotiating venue contracts, planning site visits and recommending venues for future conferences; coordinating planning efforts and participating in regularly scheduled planning teleconferences, building and maintaining a budget for the conference, and researching and contracting with vendors to service various aspects of the conference that meet all requirements of green business. Patty’s responsibilities include coordinating all logistics with the conference hotel including meeting rooms, guest accommodations, speaker travel, all food and beverage, audio-visual services, on-site and offsite social events and tours.
Patty’s team maintains all areas of the Conference and membership websites including regular program updates and registration modules. Her team also develops all graphic materials for both print and digital distribution. Patty initiates all conference eCommunications to members, past attendees, industry contacts and conference leads, and continually builds the Invitation Leads and Registered Attendees database lists. Responsibilities include management of the registration system, reconciliation of all payments with online financial management software, all tracking of paid and comp registrations, assisting with travel accommodations for staff, speakers and others, working with planning committees, and coordinating the Volunteer program for the conference.
Patty manages all communications with accepted speakers (150+) including development of the online Speakers-Only resource area, development of a Speakers-Only registration site and assisting with registration, and online collection of speaker materials including PowerPoint presentations and bios for on site presentations. Patty coordinates all materials development and collects all necessary components including speaker credentials, session descriptions, images and other narratives for the Conference Program and produces the final graphic design and pre-press work for direct delivery to the selected printer. Patty coordinates all post-conference activities including eCommunications to attendees and other stakeholders; collection, editing and posting of conference audio recordings and PowerPoint presentations online; development, online posting and electronic distribution of the post-conference surveys; and production of the comprehensive post-conference report.
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